ExelentOS FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are answers to common questions and troubleshooting tips for ExelentOS users:

tip: if you see anything encased in


it means you have to use a terminal(Ctrl+alt+t) unless otherwise noted

General Troubleshooting

The desktop environment is not loading after boot.

  1. Restart the Display Manager:
    • Press Ctrl + Alt + F2 to switch to a terminal interface.
    • Log in and restart the display manager by running:
      sudo systemctl restart sddm
    • If the issue persists, reboot your computer.
  2. Check Graphics Drivers:
    • Open the Driver Manager from System Settings and ensure the correct graphics drivers are installed.

Apps are not appearing in the menu.

  1. Refresh the Application Menu:
    • Log out of your session and log back in to reload the menu.
  2. Check Installed Apps:
    • Open the Software Center and search for the app to ensure it is properly installed. Reinstall if necessary.
  3. Update Application Settings:
    • Go to System Settings > Applications > Menu Editor and verify that the app is not hidden.

Display and Graphics

The screen resolution is incorrect or not detected.

  1. Adjust Resolution Settings:
    • Open System Settings > Display and Monitor and manually set the resolution.
  2. Verify Drivers:
    • Open the Driver Manager from System Settings and ensure GPU drivers are installed and updated.

External monitor is not detected.

  1. Detect Displays:
    • Open System Settings > Display and Monitor and click “Detect Displays.”
  2. Reconnect Cables:
    • Ensure all cables are securely connected, and the monitor is powered on.

Software and Updates

An app is not launching.

  1. Reinstall the App:
    • Open the Software Center, uninstall the app, and reinstall it.
  2. Check Default Applications:
    • Open System Settings > Applications > Default Applications to ensure proper configuration.
  3. Check File Permissions:
    • Right-click the app’s executable file, open Properties, and ensure “Allow executing file as program” is enabled.

System Updates

The system is not updating or shows an error.

  1. Check Internet Connection:
    • Open a browser to verify your connection.
  2. Update System:
    • Open Discover, refresh the package list, and apply updates.
  3. Switch Update Servers:
    • Go to System Settings > Software Sources and select a different mirror.

Other Common Issues

Sound is not working.

  1. Check Volume Levels:
    • Open System Settings > Audio and ensure the volume is turned up and not muted.
  2. Select Output Device:
    • In Audio settings, verify the correct output device is selected.

Wi-Fi is not connecting.

  1. Reconnect to the Network:
    • Click the network icon in the system tray, select your Wi-Fi network, and re-enter the password if prompted.
  2. Restart Network Manager:
    • Open System Settings > Network and toggle Wi-Fi off and on again.

Printer is not detected.

  1. Add a Printer:
    • Open System Settings > Printers and click “Add Printer.” Follow the prompts to install drivers if necessary.
  2. Verify Printer Connection:
    • Ensure the printer is powered on and connected to the same network or directly via USB.

For more detailed support, open an issue on GitHub.